Wednesday, 19 February 2014

A sense of interethnic peace and no specific purpose - Putin's State of the Nation address Markov'd

We have made significant. Our military training offered by most nations does not properly address the agriculture development of our credit and this is stopping business itself, and G20 summits, and foreign nationals who are being constantly shaken by the legal foundations already. This means an easy one. Colleagues, let me stipulate liability for achieving our society, defending traditional values of years: the size of Kyrgyzstan. And bloody rampage. Together with a global trends. Amoral International, which would ask the way. Elections demonstrated that I would be needed in this kind of military bases. A sense of interethnic peace and no specific purpose. Yes, of the 196 countries with Russian-produced goods, I would receive permanent housing. I want to host the situation in our problems. Today quite substantially, in Kiev. The second chapter, which comprises rowdy, insolent people are inviolable, will tell you all these projects already invested considerable money in our schools, universities, clinics and hypersonic high-precision non-nuclear missiles and will have broken the world. This is not only the option of applied research, it was one roof, as well.

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